Walking a Labyrinth

Labyrinth of Lanterns was an art activation in Summer 2024 in Issaquah, WA. It was a cooperation of Our Savior Lutheran Church and Issaquah Arts. The city of Issaquah shot the YouTube video below.

Below are the instructions to walk this or any Labyrinth

The Labyrinth

A labyrinth is an ancient walking meditation that helps people find themselves and connect to the source of life, however you name this source. A labyrinth is not a maze. You cannot get lost. The labyrinth is a path that always leads you to its center. 

There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. It’s a journey that takes you from where you are to the center. You take the experience of the center with you as you walk out of the labyrinth again. Even though you end your journey at the same location, it is not the same place from where you started.

There are many metaphors for describing the practice of walking a labyrinth; spiritual journey, walking meditation, moving prayer, recharging the soul, agent of change, crucible of wisdom, well of inspiration, just to name a few. Try it and see what it means to you.

Before you enter

Take a moment to get ready for the journey. Ask your higher power for wisdom and courage to follow the path to the center. Slowly breathe in and out and explore the sensation of the power of life flowing into you, nourishing you and empowering you. As the breath leaves your body, let it carry with it all that burdens and troubles you. 

Walking in

Enter the labyrinth and explore the pace that feels right to you. Try to calm your mind as you walk. Be the step you take. Be the breath that feeds you and that cleanses you. Try to release the cacophony of noise that vies for your attention and walk toward the calm of the center. Oftentimes, your mind doesn’t quiet at the first try. If you get distracted, release that thought and focus on your next steps and breathe again. Use the steps you take, the rhythm of your walk, as a guide toward calmness. 


You have arrived at the center. Stay as long or as short as feels right. Listen to the world around you and the voices that come from deep within. Maybe a whisper brings words of wisdom to you. Maybe the wisdom lies in questions, rather than answers.

Walking out

Explore the pace that feels right as you journey back into the world. Carry the experience of the center with you. Breath in and let the experience connect you to the source of life. Exhale and as the air leaves your body, let it carry with it all that separates you from the source of life.


Be reborn as you take the last step and finish this journey. You have emerged from the labyrinth. Take a moment to recount the experience of walking toward the center and back. You have emerged changed. Explore the changes as you embrace daily life again.


Title Image by: http://nomadicpursuits.com/

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